NSER Benazir National Socio-Economic Registry: Everything You Need to Know

Pakistan’s National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER) is a well-known e-government information system which is providing all the online registration facilities for social aid programs all across the country. This program is also known as Benazir National Socio-Economic Registry.

It performs a social registry function which has data on household socioeconomic characteristics for more than a great budget which is approximately 25 million households.

Benazir National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER)

Benazir National Socio-Economic Registry NSER A Comprehensive Overview

A new statewide survey known as the “National Socio-Economic Survey (NSES) – Phase 1” has been chosen by the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) to update its National Socio-Economic Registry (NSER).

The survey will update data on the demographic and socioeconomic profiles of households, remove inaccuracies, and assess the welfare/poverty status of homes at the moment. This time, Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) will be used instead of the previously employed Paper-Based Personal Interviewing (PAPI) method.

The survey data will be recorded in real-time on a tablet running the Android operating system using an application that will be provided by BISP.

The survey will include all households in Pakistan and it is working intending to capture up-to-date data against selected factors. The survey would initially only be conducted in 16 chosen areas during Phase I. A two-pronged approach will be used for the survey.

In 16 districts, a door-to-door survey will be conducted; however, four of these 16 districts will first test a desk-based approach (self-enrolment), which will then be followed by the door-to-door survey.

These two strategies will be compared and reviewed (by a different company/partner) to see which is more cost-effective in terms of economy, effectiveness, and efficiency.

What is the NSER National Socio-Economic Registry Survey?

As mentioned earlier, the NSER survey is conducted very systematically and the entire data collection is managed by BISP (Benazir Income Support Program), along with the assistance of independent institutions such as the Pakistan Census Organization.

Recently, data has been exchanged with more than 70 additional projects at the federal and provincial levels via customized data-sharing protocols, largely for targeting purposes.

Also, one of the most important thing about National and International NGOs have been experimenting with the NSER data for shock response while, using the current data to support the targeting instead of adding new registrations after the shock.

After the census-survey approach to registration in 2011, the data was considered obsolete and it was no longer in use for targeting the correct audience.

Many people have also raised their voices against it, there are multiple reasons behind this problem such as lack of access to key unsafe groups as well as other problems with the PMT approach.

So, because of all the problems that are mentioned earlier, there are still no correct results available yet which is quite surprising. However, there are some other great innovations were noticed in the entire procedure.

Now, technology has taken over many things, and because of that some accurate results are seen, as well as other variables.

So, through the most accurate results of data collection, the registry supports the key identification groups.

NSER Survey Online Registration Check 2023

Do you want to get registered in the BISP through the NSER Survey? Then, you need to follow all the steps that are as follows:

  • To register for the BISP, visit the nearest BISP center and get the form to enroll yourself.
  • This form requires all the important information related to your house condition, monthly income, and some other information related to your family
  • Make sure to enter all the correct information related to you otherwise, your form will be rejected
  • Afterward, your application form will be sent for the verification process and if you are eligible for that then, you will shortly receive an SMS after registration

So, if you are eligible for the program then, you will shortly receive a message to get the amount.

How to Register for NSER Online (Steps-By-Step Guide)

To register in this program, you must be eligible for this program, and here are the details of its online registration, etc.

You can visit the official website of BISP fill out the form provide all the necessary required information and get yourself registered.

The government has started the NSER survey registration process so that more and more people can be enrolled in the Benazir Income Support Programme.

This will allow the government to receive the assistance of 12 thousand rupees and the deserving and poor people to go and register as soon as possible. By submitting their identity card number to 8171, eligible individuals can now register for the BISP 12000 online registration, which makes them eligible for the future quarter installment as well.

Eligibility Criteria for NSER

Here are the eligibility criteria for the program:

  1. Only low-income families who don’t have a definite source of income can apply for this program,
  2. If your entire monthly income is less than Rs 2000 and of course, the expenses are higher than this, you can also apply for it.
  3. All the widows are eligible for the program who has participated in the NSER Survey.
  4. Another important thing is that, if any of your family members is a government employee then, you are not eligible for that.
  5. If you have never traveled abroad then, you are also eligible for it.

Required Document for NSER Survey

If you want to join the NSER registration survey then, you must have the following documents available:

  • To participate in the NSER survey, you must have the household head’s original national identification card.
  • In addition, to participate in the NSER survey, each household member must have a National Identity Card number.
  • The head of the house’s registered phone number, which will get the confirmation SMS
  • If you are a widow then, her husband’s death certificate is required.
  • If there are any disabled family members, a disability certificate for Gas and electricity bills.
  • You must have your pay slip or income certificate.

BISP Benazir Income Support Program & NSER

BISP is a fantastic initiative launched by PPP members in honor of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Their main goal is to combat poverty and assist deserving low-income families whose breadwinner has been harmed or killed by an earthquake, target shooting, war, etc.

Consequently, it’s a fantastic program to combat poverty by utilizing numerous social protection mechanisms designed to significantly enhance the quality of life for families who have been continuously marginalized.

As mentioned earlier, NSER was chosen by BISP which has become so popular in recent times because of the usage of recent technology however, it needs some more significant changes and needs to bring more accuracy in the data collection.

BISP is a fantastic initiative launched by PPP members in honor of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Their main goal is to combat poverty and assist deserving low-income families whose breadwinner has been harmed or killed by an earthquake, target shooting, war, etc.

Consequently, it’s a fantastic program to combat poverty by utilizing numerous social protection mechanisms designed to significantly enhance the quality of life for families who have been continuously marginalized.

As mentioned earlier, NSER was chosen by BISP which has become so popular in recent times because of the usage of recent technology however, it needs some more significant changes and needs to bring more accuracy in the data collection.


I hope that you have liked the article and if you want to register yourself in NSER then, you can easily get it by following the steps that are mentioned earlier. Here, we have provided all the information related to it such as online registration, eligibility criteria, etc.

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